Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Half way there and Almost HOME!!

Today is Wednesday June 16th and Chad is still in the hospital. BUT it looks like he will get to come home in the morning!! YEAH! Dr. May heard that Justice's graduation from elementary school is in the morning and decided to do whatever necessary to get Chad out of here so he can go. Dr. May and all the nurses here are really just amazing. They have treated us like family and really care about their patients. I hope no one else we know has to come here and get to know them, but if Chad had to be in a hospital, I am so glad it was here. We will be forever grateful to all of them.
SO DID I MENTION HE IS COMING HOME!!!! I really believe it will happen this time. Chad looks so good. I think everyone that sees him is surprised at how well he looks and feels. His blood clotting levels are still not exactly right but Dr. May has a plan and will monitor him very closely. Chad has been receiving chemo all week with very few side effects. He has been tired and a little swollen from all the fluids, but other than that he is doing great! He will receive the last two days of chemo this week as an outpatient. He will get to leave for a while in the morning, then come back tomorrow afternoon for chemo.
We are just feeling on top of the world right now and are so thankful for God's strength and love. We never lost faith and never will. After this round of chemo Chad will be at the half way point of his treatments and I truly believe things will go much smoother from here on out!


  1. Can I get an AMEN!! Oh wow this is the best news I've heard all day. He's coming home. I'm so glad to hear that. I tell ya, GOD is good all the time. See as long as you keep the faith, GOD works it out. 'PRAISE HIM"

    He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.
    Psalm 62:2

  2. A, what a day to celebrate! Enjoy your time with Justice and many blessings for you in the future!
