Monday, June 7, 2010

Enjoy the Day

Today is Monday June 7th and Chad is still in the hospital. His white blood cells are still low but are climbing! They went down to 100 yesterday but are back up to 300 today. His Gama knife surgery is scheduled for 6:30am tomorrow and he is feeling good about that. He is doing well today, seems they have gotten his pain under control and his mouth sores are getting better. Since his mouth is feeling better, he's been able to eat which has helped his spirits lots. We both had a hard day yesterday, nothing in particular I guess, just everything. We are both missing Justice and our "normal" home life like crazy. Home sick, healthy sick, normal life sick...
But today we both woke up in good spirits. We woke up feeling really good and strong in our faith. Just focusing on the fact that God blessed us with this day to be together so we should enjoy it. We are getting ready to go for another walk, maybe a trip outside to sit in the sun. aaahhh

Psalm 118:24
This is the day which the LORD has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it!


  1. Amen! I'm so glad he's doing well today. I must admit I was a little worried yesterday hoping he was doing ok. I know he has had his share of set backs the last couple of weeks but remember "EVERY SET BACK IS A SET UP FOR A GREATER COMEBACK". I wish him luck on the surgery tomorrow.(Matthew 19:26 With GOD all things are possible) My prayers continue to be with you as always. I know what you mean about being home sick. We need to get him better so that you both can come home soon. I miss my neighbors even though we don't talk or see one another everyday. I would have better peace of mind if he were home becuase that means he's doing ok if his home if that makes any sense. May God continue to bless you both.

    God Bless,

  2. ooops sorry about the typo earlier. I meant to say if he's home. LOL! :-)

  3. me and my fiance met with our pastor today and i had him say a prayer for chad, hope some good news comes soon

  4. What up Wick and fam!! It's Ran. Been reading the blog everyday trying to keep updated. I hope everybody is as good as they can at this time and keeping their head up. It was good to see ya'll at the barbeque a few weeks back. Ya'll know I got mad love for all of ya'll. I hope the surgery went well with no complications. I want to get to the hospital with Crawford to visit everyone. Oh yeah that's dope wick got the mpc in the room. Ha Ha!!! They can't stop DIVINE P!!! Keeping ya'll in my Prayers and we'll definitely see ya'll soon.

    Love ya'll,

