Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Chemo is working!!

The chemo is working!! WOO HOOO! Today is Thursday June 10th and it's been a great day. Dr. May told us this morning that the CT scan that they did yesterday to see the blood clot showed that the tumors in his lungs have already gotten smaller! He wasn't due for a follow up CT to see the progress until after his next round of chemo so this was a surprise update. Not that we doubted for a second that the chemo would work, but it was so nice to hear it.

It was/is a new clot in his lung that was hurting so bad the other day. Again, thank GOD we were still here and hadn't went home yet. All Chad's doctors talked this morning and decided it would be ok to put him on a very slow IV of blood thinner to treat the clots. He has had the IV on since 10am this morning and it will go all night. It is very, very slooowww... the bag is still 3/4ths full and it's 10:15pm. They are taking blood every four hours and are watching his levels very close. He feels really good, pain is under control, mouth sores are better, blood levels are all up. His white blood cells are up to 10,000 now! So really, life is good. Just waiting on thinner, clot free blood.

Chad started losing his hair and beard in clumps yesterday and decided to go ahead and shave them both off. His Mom, Justice and I all helped. We had scissors, clippers and razors going! Justice had fun cutting his Dad's hair and I think it made the transition easier on all of us to do it together. Chad never ceases to amaze me, as much as I know it was hard for him to lose his hair and beard, he was the one that made us laugh! I haven't seen him without facial hair in years and we don't think Justice ever has... he may look different but he's as good looking as ever.

The next round of chemo starts on Monday. I am hopeful things will go much smoother this time and that things are settling down. God has and continues to answer our prayers and thank you to all of you that are praying diligently. The prayers, faith and chemo are working!!


  1. What a wonderful way for me to start my morning! I am so glad to hear the good news. Love, prayers and good vibes are being sent your way! Love you all! Evelyn xoxo

  2. Chad, I don't know if you read this or not, but Mom and Dad and their Church is praying for you, and so is my Mother-in-Law and her Church. I love you man, and I know you will fight through this. Congrats on the Blood Count, and have fun with no beard...Just like Middle School.

  3. YAY!!! I'm so happy to hear this! That is so awesome and I'm extremely happy for you guys. I can't even imagine what Chad looks like without facial hair. I bet he looks like a teenager! We will continue praying. Love Brooke

  4. Amen! This is great news.
