Thursday, July 8, 2010

Home again & GREAT news!

Okay so let me just get right to the good stuff...The great news is that the scan showed that the tumors have shrunk more and the blood clots have all gone away!! YEAH!!! God is doing great things and he is healing Chad, it's a beautiful thing! Thank you to all of you for your positive thinking, faith, and prayers!

Today is Thursday July 8th and Chad is home. They released him from the hospital about 10:30 last night. He is feeling MUCH better and has had no more sickness. Apparently, it was some kind of stomach bug that's going around and he just got it worse than most of us would. His knee pain is also gone. They were never able to figure out exactly what caused it as nothing showed up on the Xray. Their theory was that they cramped up badly when he was dehydrated and stressed in the ER which makes sense. Doesn't really matter, good news is it was nothing serious and it's gone! I am feeling much better too...

Chad started his third round of chemo yesterday and it's going really well. He will receive it at the doctor's office again tomorrow like he did today and then will go to the hospital to get it on Saturday and Sunday since the office is closed on the weekends. We are not sure if he will actually be admitted and have to stay Saturday night or not. It's okay either way, we are just grateful that despite all of the complications he has had, he has not had to miss any of his chemo treatments and that they are working!

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