Sunday, August 8, 2010

Chemo is DONE! The final stretch....

Hey Everyone! Chad finished his last round of chemo on Friday!! WOO HOO The nurses sang him a song and had him ring a bell when he was done on Friday. It was pretty funny. He tried to get them not to do it haha. He goes on Monday to get a shot that boosts his white blood cell creation. This is normal, just a precaution to keep his body making enough. After that, he has a visit with the urologist just to make sure everything has healed the way it should from his original tumor removal surgery. He also has a follow up visit on Wednesday with the doctor that put in the blood clot Vena cava filter to see if they can remove that yet. He is not scheduled to see Dr. May (the oncologist) again until the first week in September. I assume they will run more tests at that time.

Chad's parent's & Justice came up Friday night and stayed the weekend. It was nice to have them all here. We had a good time just hanging out and doing whatever. We went out to eat and did a little exploring around Richmond. Chad's not feeling very good though, seems to be fighting a cold or something. He doesn't have a fever and isn't throwing up or anything so we are just keeping an eye on it. It's hard on him to not feel well, he tries to push himself for everyone else.

Justice went back to Lynchburg with Chad's parents for another week at camp. He just loves it! It makes us happy that he has had such a wonderful summer regardless of everything going on. Chad & I are both ready to have him home again for good though and to get our lives back on track. It was hard to say good bye to him today. We are both ready to move on from this and get back to normal. We know it won't be long now, but sometimes the last stretch of anything you have been working on and waiting for, is the hardest part...


  1. I'm so proud of you make a wonderful team. When one of you are down the other is there with words or actions that lift the other up...your team work has been such an active part in Chad's healing. We love you guys and are proud of you. I know you miss Justice but he will be home soon....and in middle school!! wooowhoo!!!....Amanda&Rod

  2. I can’t help but to say I love you guys so much & miss you!! I’m so proud of you all & as much as I HATE what you are going thru, I love seeing your souls shine.. I love seeing the strength of you Wik!! It’s been clear for years you mentally are beyond most of mankind, but it’s beautiful to see how the mind can overcome, manipulate, control, & yet be 1 with the body; in spirit and a ‘higher’ guidance, aka: mind over matter(body).. A, you have done an amazing job of keeping hundreds(literally) in touch and a part of the struggle and life of a family so many people are not only influenced by, but that one way or another have been guided by in an unforgettable, influential way for the best.. As parents I'm sure its unfathomable trying to make this balance, yet you seem to be balancing everything beautifully; with Justice’s perspective above anyone’s.. God knows you are both amazing parents, and amazing people, and being the best of you both, your son has been destined to be nothing less than brilliant and amazing.. This will hopefully all pass soon and when it DOES you will all be closer and stronger, especially Justice!!clearly you don’t need to hear that you are loved by many, yet you are & its hard not to mention! More than that you all are inspiration, guidance, LOVE(& loved), truth, strength, FAMILY( not only the family you have within your home, but the family you ALL have created within our people), & more than anything I have seen within this situation; you are GOD(YHVH); the entity he is and wants us to be!!! I love you both very much! I unfortunately had to work on Sunday so I not only missed my nieces first birthday party, but missed being with all of the original crew & friends on such an amazing day.. Know you are all thought of constantly & I’m here if you need anything!!.. Love you all and I pray your love and strength perseveres and this will all soon be a distant memory!!

  3. Thank you Justin! We love you too!
